Legal Notice

Presentation of the website

Subject: is a promotion and information website about the "Les Laboratoires de L'Antiquaille" entrepreneurial project.

Owner: Les Laboratoires de L’Antiquaille SAS
Publishing Director: Florent Gerphagnon
Address: 302, rue Garibaldi, 69007 Lyon, France
Registration: RCS Lyon 904 675 022
VAT: FR95904675022

Hosting: OVH (Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France) via Netlify (Server located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Netlify :

Design and Development:
Web Design: Emilie Roquet /
Web Development: Thomas Freger /

Intellectual Property

The website must be considered as an indivisible entity. Please note that the name "Les Laboratoires de L'Antiquaille" is a registered trademark and exclusive property of the owner of the site. The information on this site is for personal use only and may not be copied nor published, in whole or in part. All the elements making up this site (texts, messages, images, photos, graphics, logos, trademarks, sounds, video, software, plans, names, creations and various copyrightable works, databases, etc.) as well as the site itself, are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. These elements are the exclusive property of the owner of the site, with the exception of the elements made by outside contributors who have not transferred their copyright. Any copy, representation or distribution, for purposes other than personal use, of all or part of the content of this site on any medium or by any process whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may result in the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

Information provided

The content provided on this site is for information purposes only. The existence of a link from to another site does not constitute an endorsement of this site or its content. It is up to the visitor to use this information with judgement and a critical mind. The publisher cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations made by these third parties. Any hypertext link to our site must be subject to the express prior consent of the publisher.

Limitation of liability

The site management reserves the right to update, modify or correct its content at any time without notice. It gives no explicit or implicit guarantee and assumes no responsibility for the use of the information and elements of the site. The site visitor is solely responsible for the use of the elements and information.

Under no circumstances may the director of website nor the third parties mentioned on the latter be held responsible, under an action for contractual liability, tort, or any other action, for any direct or indirect damage, of any nature whatsoever, or for any prejudice, in particular of a financial or commercial nature resulting from the use of the site nor any information obtained from it.

The site management does not guarantee that the software used on the site, the information, online applications or other services provided through the site are error-free and that their operation will be uninterrupted.

Similarly, the site management cannot be held responsible in the event of contamination of the computer equipment of Internet users resulting from the propagation of a virus or other computer infections. It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect his or her own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses.

Cookie Policy

The website uses "cookies". A cookie does not allow the identification of internet users. However, it does record information relating to their computer's browser in order to set the session parameters during their connection.

The different types of cookies used by this site:

  • Functional cookies: these are essential for the proper operation of the site. Indeed, they enable us to adapt the presentation of the site to the display preferences of the Internet user's terminal, to facilitate searches by keeping automatic searches and saved announcements, to improve the user experience by pre-filling in certain fields on our forms, etc.
  • Analytical cookies: they provide information on the use and performance of the website. They enable us to improve the performance of the actions carried out on the site thanks to statistics and volumes of visits and use.
  • Cookies issued by third parties: when the Internet user browses the website, certain cookies are not recorded directly by the website but by third party partners. This is especially the case for plug-ins issued by third parties (e.g. social networks), which allow the Internet user to share content from our site with others.

We would like to remind you that the Internet user can oppose the recording of cookies at any time by configuring his computer. In France, the CNIL website ( provides detailed instructions on how to do this.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Last update: 10/07/2023.

This personal data protection policy defines and informs you of the way in which the site uses and protects the information that you transmit to us when you browse the site.

The site management commits to ensuring that the collection and processing of personal data complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force in the European Union (EU).

This personal data protection policy may be revised at any time, in particular with a view to complying with any legislative and regulatory changes. The date of its update is identified at the top of this policy.

Personal data collected:
The website may collect personal data when necessary for the purpose and exercise of its mission.
However, it is possible to visit the website without necessarily providing personal data.
The website only collects personal data with the explicit agreement and always on a voluntary basis of the Internet users.

At present, this data collection can be carried out at two different points on the site:

  1. At the top of the main page as part of the Internet user's contribution to the questionnaire on the market research provided by the site
  2. At the bottom of the main page if the Internet user wishes to remain informed about the progress of the "Les Laboratoires de L'Antiquaille" entrepreneurial project as presented on the website.

The site is subject to change, and these methods of collection are, therefore, subject to amendments.
In any case, the website does not collect any sensitive data. This is mainly contact data (title-gender, surname, first name, email, residence) and, in the case of the questionnaire, in addition to the contact data, information on the Internet user's age group, preferences and consumption habits for anti-ageing care and profession.

Person responsible for data processing
All data is collected and processed by the owner of the site via his Publishing Director.

Data Recipients
The personal data of Internet users collected with their consent on the site are processed internally, directly or through external service providers acting as subcontractors.
These external service providers act as subcontractors for the purpose of carrying out the missions entrusted to them by the www.lantiquaille.comwebsite management. They are contractually committed to ensuring the utmost respect for the security and confidentiality of the personal data they process in this context.

Purposes of data processing
The information collected through the site is only used and communicated externally for the sole purposes related to the aim of the site or to meet legal and regulatory obligations.
The sole purpose of processing personal data is to serve the purpose and mission of the website, namely the promotion and development of "Les Laboratoires de L'Antiquaille" entrepreneurial project.
This may involve, for example, processing the responses to the market study presented on the site, offering Internet users regular information on the progress of the "Les Laboratoires de L'Antiquaille" project, improving the user experience of visitors to the site, or more generally maintaining a link between Internet users interested in the project and its initiator.
Under no circumstances is the data collected for external commercial purposes. The owner of the website is committed to never commercialize the data collected to any third parties.

Conservation period of personal data
The website management ensures that the personal data collected is kept for a period of time that does not exceed the time required for the purposes for which the data is collected and processed.
This data is kept for a maximum period of three (3) years from the date of the last contact made by the Internet user (in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL French authority).

Rights of the Internet user
In accordance with the applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Internet user has the right to access, rectify, limit, transfer and delete data concerning him/her. He or she may exercise this right at any time by sending an e-mail to this effect to:
This personal data protection policy is subject to French law.
Internet users may lodge a complaint relating to the processing of their personal data with the CNIL - 3 place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France -

Reply time
The website management commits to respond to any request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information made by Internet users within a reasonable period of time, which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of the request.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

Any dispute arising or to arise will be brought before the French courts and will be governed and analysed according to the common law rules of French legislation. Should any of the provisions of this notice be deemed illegal, null or inapplicable for any reason whatsoever, it shall not affect the validity or application of the other provisions.